Stressbusters: No Stress Breathing Workshop

We all want happiness but how do we get there? Come find out how in a fun-filled, interactive and informative session.

It’s generally seen that stress levels are incredibly high among students and young professionals. We are taught how to learn about things we see around us, but often schools and universities don’t take the effort to let us know about life, about ourselves and how to deal with stress.

The main technique taught in YES!+ is called Sudarshan Kriya®, a research-backed breathing technique that has helped millions of people release stress, experience deep meditation, and get back in touch with their true self. On the introductory session, you’ll get a taste of yogic breathing exercises and their benefits.

Introductory sessions include a mix of:

  • Guided relaxation through the breath
  • Light yoga & stretching
  • Insights into the nature of mind
  • Guided meditation
  • Question & answer session

Check out the other events in our Stressbusters series:

Stressbusters: No Stress Breathing Workshop – April 1
Stressbusters: Yoga and Free Massages by X TU Delft – April 9

In collaboration with Yoga & Meditation and our friends at X TU Delft.