Zoals Plato al zei… | Filosofische actualiteitscursus deel III
Filosoof en hoofd Studium Generale Leon Heuts vertelt over de geschiedenis van de filosofie aan de hand van actuele thema’s.
Filosoof en hoofd Studium Generale Leon Heuts vertelt over de geschiedenis van de filosofie aan de hand van actuele thema’s.
Upcoming films of the new, free, and open VOX Film Club include Cinema Paradiso and La Ciénaga. Small viewings for the true film buff!
Are we stuck in a singular, all-consuming consumerist worldview with no hope of escape? Let’s explore Fisher’s ideas together and see where his wisdom leaves us.
Lunch discussion! The history of social hierarchies is paired with great accomplishments and terrible oppression. Why do we keep doing this? Do we really need to create hierarchies of power?
The film is based on the experiences of writer Sir Laurens van der Post, a WWII veteran who was taken as a POW by the Japanese military.
A quarter of all people live in conflict-affected countries. Is militarism on the rise again? Is defense funding justified when humanity faces so many crises?
We like to fix things, and there is no shortage of big ideas. Can we engineer our way out of the climate crisis?
Lunch discussion! How sane can you expect to be in our society, where things like burnouts, depression, loneliness, and mental illness are becoming the norm?
Politiek filosoof Ivana Ivkovic en hoofd Studium Generale Leon Heuts vertellen over de geschiedenis van de filosofie aan de hand van actuele thema’s.
Wat als we bomen laten ‘spreken’ voor Delft? Wat vertellen ze ons over het groene verleden van de stad, en over hoe de stad van nu te lezen is als woorden, zinnen en verhalen van bomen en groen?
Got any books you want to trade? We’re hosting a ‘gezellig’ little book swap for anyone who wants to have a surprise encounter with new books to read.
A beautifully animated, and iconically scored, thrilling, yet deeply philosophical film. Explore consciousness, memory and what it means to be ‘human’ in the ‘wired’ age.
What is love in the age of machines, sex toys, care robots, and screen addictions?
For this Monday Media Breakdown we’ll discuss: the Dutch elections! We’ll look at how the political landscape is divided in the media and in reality.