An overview of the things we write


SG Podcast: Van Droom Naar Daad

Wil jij lekker onbekommerd van de zomer genieten maar nog wel wat kennis opdoen? Ga dan luisteren naar onze nieuwe podcast-serie “Van Droom Naar Daad”. Hierin gaan we in gesprek met de Delftse wetenschappers over de toekomst. Hoe zien zij de wereld voor zich en welke rol nemen zij daarin op. Ga mee op ontdekkingstocht […]

SG Podcast “Van Droom Naar Daad”

Wil jij lekker onbekommerd van de zomer genieten maar nog wel wat kennis opdoen? Ga dan luisteren naar onze nieuwe podcast-serie “Van Droom Naar Daad”. Hierin gaan we in gesprek met de Delftse wetenschappers over de toekomst. Hoe zien zij de wereld voor zich en welke rol nemen zij daarin op. Ga mee op ontdekkingstocht […]


Share Your Ideas

Do you have a critical mind and a keen eye? Are you interested in promoting lively debate and discussion? Then we are looking for you! Share your ideas for the most enlightening lectures, debates, discussions and workshops in Delft.


We Are Public!

Sinds kort wordt een deel van ons programma ook aangeboden door We Are Public. Deze maand is We Are Public nog op zoek naar 300 cultuuroptimisten in Delft. Studium Generale helpt graag mee met de zoektocht naar cultuuroptimisten! Vind jij ook dat cultuur meer publiek en meer inkomsten verdient? Doe mee en haal We Are Public […]


Hesiodos – the new creative & literary magazine on campus

Remember when there was a creative magazine in Delft where you could get published and read what other students and staff members are making? Neither do we! But in order to stimulate such creativity a team of students and staff are pioneering a new magazine, Hesiodos, and they are calling for your content. Are you a […]


The best comics & illustrations

The Creative Skills Workshop series that we’ve organized together with Sports&Culture will soon draw to a close. Dozens of Delftian students will look back on some seriously fun sessions with authors, journalists, and comics artists. The comics & illustrations workshop, led by Stephan Timmers, held a vote to choose the three best contributions and agreed […]


Playlist: Explore your Brain

As part of the TU Delft 175th anniversary celebrations, the TU Delft Library organised a whole month of events surrounding the brain, including workshops, exhibitions, interactive installations and a series of lectures and debates. All the public lectures and debates were recorded and can be found on the playlist “Explore your Brain” on our YouTube channel. […]


70 Years of Critical Thinking

70 YEARS OF CRITICAL THINKING Last year (2016) Studium Generale celebrated its 70th birthday, and what better way to honor our origins as TU Delft’s patron of critical thought than by questioning the current moral status of our academic community? In February and March 2016, 300 students from all faculties participated in the SG Conscience […]


Van Hasselt Lecture 2016: Big Data, Human Rights and the Ethics of Scientific Research

Big Data, Human Rights and the Ethics of Scientific Research John Tasioulas ABC Religion and Ethics Australia Updated 1 Dec 2016 (First posted 30 Nov 2016) John Tasioulas is the Director of the Yeoh Tiong Lay Centre for Politics, Philosophy and Law at King’s College, London. This article is adapted from the 2016 Van Hasselt Lecture, which he recently […]


Two Live Polls/Enquetes! -closed

After the success of our “SG Conscience Survey”, the results of which are on display in the Aula entrance hall this month (September), we’ve concocted a few fresh polls for you to fill in. Both are related to upcoming events: the lecture by Rutger Bregman, Gratis geld voor iedereen, and the Delta debate “Making Room […]


Van Hasselt lecture 2015: The Future of Peace, Weapons and War

The Future of Peace, Weapons, and War Mary Ellen O’Connell It is an honor to deliver this lecture named for Frans van Hasselt, who in 1940 spoke out in protest of the injustices of the Nazi occupation of The Netherlands while at the Deflt University of Technology. He paid for his words with his life. […]


TU Delft Debating Club Competes at Tournaments

In the weekend of the 19th and 20th of February the TU Delft Debating Club proudly represented the TU Delft at the Erasmus Rotterdam Open debating competition. There were three teams debating, two judges and three spectators present. This shows we are growing as a debating club. It was a long weekend, with no less […]


Maart: Maand van de Vrouw

INTERNATIONALE VROUWENDAG 2016 Al ruim 100 jaar vinden, tijdens de Internationale Vrouwendag (8 maart), wereldwijd activiteiten plaats rondom de positie van de vrouw. Met thema’s als economische zelfstandigheid van vrouwen, empowerment, seksueel geweld, zorg en arbeid, discriminatie en racisme. Anno 2016 zijn deze thema’s actueler dan ooit. Hoe werkt dat in de praktijk? Ontvoeringen en […]


5 Minute Survey: Engineers and their conscience

Everyone gets confronted with difficult decisions and responsibilities in life. Engineers however face especially impactful choices. Should you work on a drone, knowing that it can be used for spying or to kill people? Or on robots that take away millions of jobs; ships that end up polluting Asian beaches; GMO’s or pesticides that destroy […]
