“You are your brain”. While this statement still raised eyebrows just a decade ago, people are coming to terms with the idea that their thoughts, feelings, and behavior, are ultimately rooted in the neural processes within their heads. This insane idea that electrical signals between tiny nerve cells somehow code for all that you are… […]
Brain Bar: Hello World
“You are your brain”. While this statement still raised eyebrows just a decade ago, people are coming to terms with the idea that their thoughts, feelings, and behavior, are ultimately rooted in the neural processes within their heads. This insane idea that electrical signals between tiny nerve cells somehow code for all that you are… […]
Beta Balie Debat: Van patiënt tot cyborg
Wouter Serdijn is Hoogleraar Bioelektronica en werkt aan miniatuur-elektronische apparaatjes die in ons lichaam communiceren met hart-, spier-, zenuw- en hersen-weefsel. Deze electroceutica zijn de elektronische tegenhangers van farmaceutica en kunnen ingezet worden om de doven te laten horen, de blinden te laten zien, de lammen te laten lopen en een groot aantal hersen-aandoeningen, zoals […]
Broodje Speciaal: Robots zijn dieren
Er is iets onvoorstelbaars gebeurd in het evolutieproces. Veranderingen zijn niet meer alleen gebaseerd op stom toeval en geluk. Over de volgende stap wordt voortaan nagedacht. “The Blind Watchmaker can finally see!” Er is een denkende diersoort ontstaan die de grote volgende stap in de evolutie mogelijk maakt. Het ontstaan van de elektrische dieren. Wanneer […]
Scenarios for Sustainable Business (Workshop, registration req.)
Interested in creating and mastering future scenarios to make better decisions? Join this workshop to learn about the scenario planning method to better master your future and tackle complex problems! In September a diverse group of thirty people followed a three day masterclass in scenario planning by Ulrich Goluke. Close to the border with Germany, […]
Scenario Planning: Scenarios for Sustainability
If taken seriously, sustainability is a radically new environment / framework in which we will live, work and do business. We urgently need tools that let us handle futures other than the official growth story. Scenarios are such a tool. You’ll get an overview of how to create scenarios and how to use them to […]