Panopticon: The documentary about your privacy

If you’ve followed the news on Edward Snowden and his NSA leaks, you know that the whole world has suddenly become aware that it is being watched and recorded. From presidents to prime ministers, terrorists to house wives, there isn’t a technologically active person who is free from the prying eyes of the intelligence services […]

Drones, Surveillance, and War

This year, three Aerospace students from the TU Delft won the first three prizes at the AIAA drone design competition in the USA. Raphael Klein, Steve Brust, and Malcom Brown have proven themselves as engineers, and are now willing to discuss their experiences as drone designers and the social and political implications of drone technology […]

Think ‘n Drink Discussion Night

=Every Monday night from 7pm till 10pm =   Every Monday night the student group VOX Delft, in cooperation with SG, hosts an in-depth discussion evening. A broad range of topics are possible, from philosophy, to current affairs, to technology, or society. Everyone, whether Dutch and/or international, is welcome to join a discussion, with or […]