reinvent-money-2016: Defining the next step in the evolution of money

Part 2 Part 3 Reinvent.Money and Studium Generale have teamed up to organise three cutting edge discussions about the Euro, Banks and Central Banks. Welcome 16:00 Word of welcome Coen Vermeeren (TU Delft Studium Generale) and Paul Buitink (founder Reinvent Money) Part I What is the role of banks and central banks in the digital […]

How Do Heterosexism and Homophobia Take Form in Global Culture?

In the wake of Orlando attacks in the US, the discussion about “Heterosexism and Internalized homophobia” lashed out in the media. Several people expressed their opinions (reasonable/senseless) which sparked a curiosity: How do cultures around the world contribute to our understanding of heterosexism and internalized homophobia; what was it like growing up dealing with it […]

Building with Bamboo (lecture)

BouT, Bambu Social is a non profit organisation which focuses on the improvement of social housing by the use of the local and natural material bamboo. Together with Students4Sustainability and BouT they are working together to organize a lecture, workshop and competition in the theme ‘Building with Bamboo.’ Free lunch included at the lecture. Facebook […]

Building with Bamboo (workshop)

BouT, Bambu Social is a non profit organisation which focuses on the improvement of social housing by the use of the local and natural material bamboo. Together with Students4Sustainability and BouT they are working together to organize a lecture, workshop and competition in the theme ‘Building with Bamboo.’ To register for the workshop, click here. […]

Inside Syria: A Photo Exhibition

Aleppo, 2014. Photographer Fouad Hallak captures the daily lives of Syrians in rebel held territory. Hallak, 27, fled Syria and currently lives in a refugee camp in the Netherlands. Come see a selection of Hallak’s photographs on display in the entrance hall of the Aula. For more on Hallak, see several news articles from the […]

Professoren in de Theater Arena: Een diepe duik in de Robotica

Dit is de tweede avond van ‘Professoren in de theaterarena’ met het thema robotica. De eerste in februari ging vooral in op economie en ethiek. Deze tweede zal focussen op techniek en praktische toepassingen. De sprekers: Prof. dr. ir. Bart van Arem (TU Delft, Professor Transport Modelling) Over zelfrijdende auto’s (ZR) van Google en Tesla […]

Oekraine: Ja of Nee?

Op woensdag 6 april mogen we stemmen over de wet tot goedkeuring van het associatieverdrag met Oekraïne. Een dergelijk referendum hebben we in Nederland nog niet eerder gehad. Wat houdt het verdrag eigenlijk in? Gaat het om slechts een handelsakkoord of heeft het verdrag verregaande politieke consequenties? In hoeverre helpen we Oekraïne met dit verdrag? […]

Except (Workshop)

  Except Integrated Sustainability delivers concepts and strategies for resilient, just, and inspiring cities, companies, and governance. Since 1999 they bring together private and public partners and guide them towards systemic and fundamental improvement, where all stakeholders benefit. They apply innovative systemic analysis, develop road maps towards resilience, and execute solutions with inspiring design. Together […]

The Dutch Wind Wheel The Dutch Windwheel is THE sustainable icon for the future according to its creators. The building is unique with its application of the EWICON technology – developed in Delft – in order to generate wind energy. Furthermore the building is outstanding because of its design, material use and functionality. For more information check their website: […]