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(De)kolonisatie en de universiteit

Welke rol speelden universiteiten in de koloniale maatschappij? Wat is daar nu de erfenis van, en hoe gaan universiteiten om met de roep om dekolonisatie?


World at War: The Rise of China

What are the chances of a war between China and the West? What would such an open conflict look like, and how would it impact us in Europe, sandwiched as we are between the two global superpowers of China and the US?

Past event

Poetry Night: Satire

Verse It! is a monthly poetry meetup that will see poetry coming to life, through reading, music, art and any other forms of artistic expression. Through our events, Verse It! will bring young poetic voices and seasoned ones under the same roof to share their creations. We welcome cupfuls of expression ranging from joy, angst […]


How To Combine Ancient and Modern Wisdom

Humans have survived and thrived around the world for tens of thousands of years, using various ingenious technologies suited to their environment. What sort of traditional knowledge is still available to us?


Prometheus’ Problems: Should an engineer work for the military?

Can an algorithm be racist? If a self-driving car causes an accident, who is responsible? These are the kinds of questions that will be discussed at our brand new philosophical café Prometheus’ Problems! At this monthly event, students, professors and external experts will exchange thoughts about philosophical and ethical themes related to engineering, modern technology and its impact on society.  Importantly, the themes are based upon questions put forward by students themselves. A discussion in a comfortable setting, with a drink at hand.


The Science of Meditation: a practical guide

Student wellbeing is dwindling fast in lockdown. By now, the figures are alarming at TU Delft: students massively feel depressed. The easiest way to boost your life quality, might be meditation. It’s free and you can do it every day and almost everywhere.


TU Delft and the Colonial History of the Dutch East Indies

At the turn of the 20th century approximately one-third of all engineers that finished their studies in Delft went to the Dutch East Indies (present day Indonesia) to pursue a career in the Dutch colony. In this way they became part of the Dutch colonial context. Why were these engineers so well-fitted to the Dutch colonial project?

Past event

Spoken Word Poetry Workshop

Poetry, as a form of expression, should not be limited to print media. It should be spoken aloud and heard. Spoken word poetry is poetry meant to be shared on stage. Join us for a workshop presented by TU Delft’s poetry club Verse It! to learn this art form. We will do some spoken word […]

Past event

GEANNULEERD – Het Filosofisch Café | Van dystopische science fiction naar actuele materie: The Matrix 1999-2020

The Matrix was vooral dystopische sciencefiction toen het uitkwam. Anno 2020 lijkt het steeds accurater. AI neemt steeds meer over in onze maatschappij, de mensheid is verslaafd aan de nepwereld van het internet en Techbedrijven zuigen alle informatie uit ons, alsof we menselijke batterijen zijn die hun systemen voeden.


World at War: Conflict Resources

Dutch-Congolese author Alphonse Muambi provides first-hand knowledge and experience of the past and present conflicts in resource rich countries like Congo, Niger, and Mali. 
