At Studium Generale & TU Delft, we love to explore the world using our brains. But what if you let your body take over the thinking?
Het Filosofisch Café: Van wie is de natuur?
De mens is de baas der dingen, aldus de mens. Maar die plek op de apenrots is in de huidige tijd van vervuiling en klimaatverandering niet langer houdbaar. Hoog tijd voor een avondje relatietherapie. In dit Filosofisch Café gaan we op zoek naar een nieuwe verhouding tussen mens en natuur.
Spirit U All by Shertise Solano: Exhibition Visit and Performance
How do you process your past experiences? For multimedia artist Shertise Solano, the answer is clear: through her works. By using the act of making as a tool, she explores the various cultural influences, personal conflicts and traumas that have shaped her, as a person and an artist.
Van Leeuwenhoeklezing: Kunnen we het licht zien?
Sylvia Pont laat u in deze lezing het licht zien, letterlijk en figuurlijk, door waarneming, optica en ontwerpen met elkaar te verbinden en door wetenschap, kunst en techniek samen te brengen.
The Iranian Protests: The Bare Face of Repressive Power
You are invited to come talk about what is happening in Iran these days. In collaboration with TU Delft’s Iranian community, we welcome you into a safe space to face this country’s current harsh reality.
Art Meditation Workshop
A safe space for you to explore life’s complexity, one topic at a time
Think & Drink with Asimov | Garbage in, garbage out? Fairness & AI
Technology is never neutral but forms part of a complex socio-technical structure. Is it possible to embed human rights and values such as freedom, privacy or dignity into artificial intelligence? Join this event to discuss how we can use technology for the benefit of everyone.
History of Science | Feeding Factory Farms: The History of the Nitrogen Crisis
Soy for livestock feed connects the destruction of the South American rain forest to the Dutch nitrogen crisis. How did this situation come into being?
VOX Movie Night: The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology
Watch Slavoj Žižek’s thought provoking documentary and join a brief discussion at the end
Green Transition or Eco-Colonialism?
A workshop on climate justice in the Dutch context