Regenerative Farming

Learn about regenerative farming methods and how we can benefit from these kinds of practices

Progress Through Technology Is A Myth – Reflective and Creative Workshop

Ever wondered what that flame is doing there on TU Delft’s logo? It was a gift from the ancient Greek hero Prometheus to mankind. Our first ever life-saving technology. He sneaked up Mount Olympus and stole away the fire from the selfish great gods. Come steal it back. Rewrite the story of technology

Het Filosofisch Café: Wees Ongelukkig!

Geluk is ons streven en het liefst laten we zien dat we goed op weg zijn. Waarom staan onze negatieve gevoelens nooit in de spotlights? In dit Filosofisch Café alle aandacht voor de keerzijde van onze queeste naar geluk.

Day of Sustainability 2022 Symposium

This year’s theme is ‘Rethinking our Routines’. Let’s all get together and discuss how we can break our bad climate habits, and change towards the new normal. Lectures, workshops, panels, and free drinks.