A quarter of all people live in conflict-affected countries. Is militarism on the rise again? Is defense funding justified when humanity faces so many crises?

A quarter of all people live in conflict-affected countries. Is militarism on the rise again? Is defense funding justified when humanity faces so many crises?
Do you feel that a sense of community has been eroded in society? Why do so many people feel lonely in our hyper-connected, densely populated world? Join the discussion with VOX and try to work out this paradox together.
Recently, Professor Daphne Stam resigned due to what she described as a pervasive ‘macho culture’ at the Aerospace Faculty. VOX felt it was a good time to have an open, inclusive discussion about the experience of being a woman working/studying in STEM, here at the TU and elsewhere.
Have you ever felt skeptical about the grand claim that art has the power to change the world around us? Join us and discuss!
In dit Filosofisch Café nemen we de emotie angst onder de loep. Angst voor het vreemde en het onbekende. Wat triggert onze angstgevoelens, waarom gaan we soms actief op zoek naar kippenvel? Is angst nog ergens goed voor?
Hoe maak je straks belangrijke keuzes als bewuste ingenieur? Luister vandaag tijdens dit symposium naar deskundige perspectieven van politici, journalisten, ethici en ingenieurs
In de Lipkens Lectures lezingenreeks duikt Studium Generale samen met het Academisch Erfgoedteam van de Library in de geschiedenis. Wat betekende het vroeger om een ingenieur te zijn? Hoe is de rol van technologie in de maatschappij veranderd, en hoe plukken we daar tegenwoordig de vruchten van? Wat kunnen hedendaagse ingenieurs leren van de geschiedenis van wetenschap en technologie?
Imagine the Netherlands and most of Europe has been flooded. The African Union decides to close all borders to all displaced people except their own citizens. What would you do? Where would you go? And to whom could you turn for help?
In this Symposium we would like to offer you the option to choose your own path towards sustainability. This Symposium will be your moment of self-reflection. How can you participate in a green future? How will you help to solve the problems we face today?
Join the free online book club organized by VOX Delft, SG, Hesiodos magazine, and the TUD Library! Link to the online Jitsi meet TBA here. Over the next few weeks we’ll be reading the short story Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes. On January 13th, join the online conversation to discuss the book’s themes together. Register […]