Wat zijn de nieuwe politieke, economische en ontwerpvraagstukken in het technologisch domein? Aankomend zomergast Marleen Stikker licht ons in en ontsluit haar visie en aanpak op het ontwikkelen van een commons model, technology for the masses en een toekomstbestendig internet. Te beluisteren via Spotify , Soundcloud, Stitcher en ITunes.
SG Podcast ‘Van Droom Naar Daad’- Sleutelen Aan Het Leven & Verantwoorde Innovatie
Lekker van de zomer aan het genieten? Onze podcast-serie past uitermate goed bij een fris zomerbriesje aan het strand, op de fiets of in de trein. In binnen- en buitenland.
De volgende podcasts staan voor je klaar: allereerst met micro-bioloog Bertus Beaumont waarin we de geheimen van de biologie ontfutselen en onderzoeken of we aan de vooravond staan van de synthetische mens. Daaropvolgend bevragen we ethicus Ibo van de Poel hoe de toekomst verantwoord vorm te geven. In deze zoektocht stuitten we onder meer op het belang van emoties voor besluitvorming en nemen zelfs het referendum in ogenschouw. Je kunt de podcasts beluisteren via Spotify, Soundcloud, Stitcher en ITunes.
Veel luisterplezier gewenst!
SG Podcast: Van Droom Naar Daad
Wil jij lekker onbekommerd van de zomer genieten maar nog wel wat kennis opdoen? Ga dan luisteren naar onze nieuwe podcast-serie “Van Droom Naar Daad”. Hierin gaan we in gesprek met de Delftse wetenschappers over de toekomst. Hoe zien zij de wereld voor zich en welke rol nemen zij daarin op. Ga mee op ontdekkingstocht in een wekelijkse aflevering zodat jij je deze zomer niet hoeft te vervelen. In de allereerste aflevering voelen we hoogleraar bio-elektronica Wouter Serdijn aan de tand. Ziet hij de opkomst van de bionische mens voor zich? Een versmelting van mens en machine? En hoe dit te beschouwen, positief of negatief? En wat is dat nou precies bio-elektronica, wat kunnen we daar nu al mee? Je kunt de podcast beluisteren via Soundcloud, Stitcher en ITunes.
SG Podcast “Van Droom Naar Daad”
Wil jij lekker onbekommerd van de zomer genieten maar nog wel wat kennis opdoen? Ga dan luisteren naar onze nieuwe podcast-serie “Van Droom Naar Daad”. Hierin gaan we in gesprek met de Delftse wetenschappers over de toekomst. Hoe zien zij de wereld voor zich en welke rol nemen zij daarin op. Ga mee op ontdekkingstocht in een wekelijkse aflevering zodat jij je deze zomer niet hoeft te vervelen. In de allereerste aflevering voelen we hoogleraar bio-elektronica Wouter Serdijn aan de tand. Ziet hij de opkomst van de bionische mens voor zich? Een versmelting van mens en machine? En hoe dit te beschouwen, positief of negatief? En wat is dat nou precies bio-elektronica, wat kunnen we daar nu al mee? Je kunt de podcast beluisteren via Soundcloud en Stitcher. In de nabije toekomst ook op ITunes en Spotify.
Share Your Ideas
Share Your Ideas
Share your ideas for the most enlightening lectures, debates, discussions and workshops in Delft!
Do you have a critical mind and a keen eye? Are you interested in promoting lively debate and discussion? Then we are looking for you!
Your idea
What would you like to add to our programme? Studium Generale wants to offer you the chance to share your ideas and organise your own event.
Fill out the web form below and we will be in touch!
We Are Public!
Sinds kort wordt een deel van ons programma ook aangeboden door We Are Public. Deze maand is We Are Public nog op zoek naar 300 cultuuroptimisten in Delft.
Studium Generale helpt graag mee met de zoektocht naar cultuuroptimisten! Vind jij ook dat cultuur meer publiek en meer inkomsten verdient? Doe mee en haal We Are Public naar Delft! Voor € 15 per maand ben je al lid en krijg je dagelijks gratis toegang tot de beste concerten, exposities, voorstellingen en films.
Sluit je nu aan via www.wearepublic.nl/delft
Hesiodos – the new creative & literary magazine on campus
Remember when there was a creative magazine in Delft where you could get published and read what other students and staff members are making?
Neither do we! But in order to stimulate such creativity a team of students and staff are pioneering a new magazine, Hesiodos, and they are calling for your content. Are you a writer, poet, illustrator, cartoonist, or a photographer? A budding columnist perhaps with a scathing opinion? If you need an outlet for your creative, non-academic productions, look no further. Hesiodos will be published for the first time in May 2018, in print. Contributors can send their questions and submissions to hesiodosdelft@gmail.com or check out their Facebook page . Submissions are preferably in English, but there is room for Dutch content as well. You can also be published anonymously, although the editors need be aware of your identity.
The best comics & illustrations
The Creative Skills Workshop series that we’ve organized together with Sports&Culture will soon draw to a close. Dozens of Delftian students will look back on some seriously fun sessions with authors, journalists, and comics artists.
The comics & illustrations workshop, led by Stephan Timmers, held a vote to choose the three best contributions and agreed to share them online. Here are the winners:
Rafal Tarczynski – Best drawing (“finally summer” in the Netherlands)
Playlist: Explore your Brain
As part of the TU Delft 175th anniversary celebrations, the TU Delft Library organised a whole month of events surrounding the brain, including workshops, exhibitions, interactive installations and a series of lectures and debates.
All the public lectures and debates were recorded and can be found on the playlist “Explore your Brain” on our YouTube channel. See below for a taster – and enjoy!
70 Years of Critical Thinking
Last year (2016) Studium Generale celebrated its 70th birthday, and what better way to honor our origins as TU Delft’s patron of critical thought than by questioning the current moral status of our academic community?
In February and March 2016, 300 students from all faculties participated in the SG Conscience Survey where we asked them to reflect on their own moral code, the ethical problems and promises of their field of study, and how prepared they feel to deal with difficult moral issues as engineers. Though intended more as a poll than as a serious academic survey, students were highly enthusiastic and the results were compelling. So we prepared a presentation of the results which was exhibited back in September.
You’ll find the results here, illustrated by Total Shot productions, as well as a number of responses from industry leaders in the Netherlands and at the university. Enjoy! And think. And enjoy.
Surveys are fun! That was lesson number one. We now have more insight into the hearts and minds of students at the TU Delft, what their hopes and fears are. And if we’re fully honest, what we’ve seen is overwhelmingly positive.*
*If we can add one critical note, and we wouldn’t be SG if we didn’t, there was one disappointing result. When asked if they felt properly prepared by the university to deal with difficult moral decisions (panel 4), only 11% said yes. That’s shockingly low. Considering the pivotal role that engineers play in shaping the world, we hope the university will take this result to heart and think of ways to help students more. SG will continue to stimulate critical thought and self-reflection, but the conscience of the university is something we should all actively try to be.
Many of the people and institutions we reached out to for a response on the survey results were gracious enough to provide one. Others did not respond at all. And still others responded but without really digging into the issues at hand. We would have loved to have read the response from the ministries of Defense and Education, but alas. So many students unwilling to be maneuvered into the weapons and fossil fuels industries, while that’s exactly what many of them are being prepared for? Seems like a bit of a problem. But we’ll just have to imagine what they might say. In the comments section below, for instance.
Thanks for reading!