All recordings for you in one spot


TU Delft and the Colonial History of the Dutch East Indies

At the turn of the 20th century approximately one-third of all engineers that finished their studies in Delft went to the Dutch East Indies (present day Indonesia) to pursue a career in the Dutch colony. In this way they became part of the Dutch colonial context. Why were these engineers so well-fitted to the Dutch colonial project?


World at War: Conflict Resources

Dutch-Congolese author Alphonse Muambi provides first-hand knowledge and experience of the past and present conflicts in resource rich countries like Congo, Niger, and Mali. 


Climate Action Verkiezingsdebat 2021

De Verkiezingen komen er weer aan, de campagnes zijn begonnen. Momenteel is het vooral corona dat de klok slaat, heel begrijpelijk. Dat neemt niet weg dat er andere belangrijke thema’s de aandacht verdienen. Welke koers gaat het land varen op het gebied van werk, zorg, veiligheid, en niet op de laatste plaats, het klimaat?


Decolonising Design & Engineering

Applying the perspective of decoloniality to design and engineering provides a way to rethink the Western model of how we shape and give meaning to our world.


Decolonising Knowledge: What is Decolonisation?

For better or worse, Western European culture has managed to impact and dominate much of the world for centuries. In this introductory lecture, learn about the decolonisation movement and the peoples and cultures it seeks to empower.


Green Mirror: S4S Symposium

In this Symposium we would like to offer you the option to choose your own path towards sustainability. This Symposium will be your moment of self-reflection. How can you participate in a green future? How will you help to solve the problems we face today?


Stranger than Fiction: de Amerikaanse verkiezingen

Het circus is weer begonnen: campagnes waarin met geld wordt gesmeten, tegenstanders worden zwartgemaakt en gouden bergen worden beloofd. Samen met journalisten Laila Frank en Eveline van Rijswijk analyseren we de Amerikaanse politiek door de lens van de popcultuur.
