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SG in Conversation with Lale Gül

About SG in Conversation
Your student life: it’s quite something. It’s a time in which you can explore new things, learn more about yourself and choose your own way. At SG, we find that taking a moment to talk about this – about identity – can help you to better understand who you are.


S4S Symposium: From Abstract To Impact (in Dutch)

Heb jij soms ook het gevoel dat het klimaatprobleem zo ongrijpbaar en complex is, dat het voelt als een verloren zaak? Met het symposium laten wij je inzien dat dit machteloze gevoel onterecht is. Door praktische initiatieven aan bod te laten komen wordt dit behapbaarder gemaakt. Tevens zullen grote en technische initiatieven spreken over hoe […]


Prometheus’ Problems | Do we need engineers in politics?

During election campaign time, various parties like to make the case that we should have more scientists involved in politics. In Delft, we like to approach problems with the practical mindset of an engineer. But do we need more engineers in politics? In fact, does politics need engineers at all? 

Past event

Sufism: Following the Footsteps of Mystic Poet Rumi

In all religious traditions across the world, mystic movements can be found. Mysticism often refers to becoming one with God but may also refer to any altered state of consciousness with a religious or spiritual meaning. Sufism is the mystic movement of Islam and is characterised by particular values, doctrines, institutions and religious practices.
