An overview of the things we write


Corona Care Package #43 | Online opera series

Operadagen Rotterdam produces the six episode online opera Home Sweet Home. Together 100 Rotterdam artists show a versatile and colourful image on the streets of Rotterdam in this cross-over project.


Corona Care Package #38 | Wunderbaum: Stop Acting Now!

Now that we’ve recovered from the first corona shock, we can tentatively have a first glance at a possible world after corona. The theatre company Wunderbaum seems to have the gift of foresight, as the film ‘Stop Acting Now!’ seemlessly fits the current situation.


Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

Just over two hundred years ago the young daughter of two philosophers and feminists wrote the first scifi novel, and it’s one that is etched into our cultural imagination of the horrors of science forevermore. That novel is Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. But how many of us have actually read this classic? If you’re not planning […]


Corona Care Package #37 | A Future Filled With Pathogens

Author and journalist Dahr Jamail details some of the reasons why COVID-19 will not be the last pandemic in our lifetime. It’s a stern warning and difficult to hear right now: that COVID-19 is only the beginning, and that essentially it’s our own fault.
