A University of Technology should not only train our future engineers in their chosen field, but also provide them with the tools to evaluate and communicate all aspects of their research and its impacts on our planet and society. The TU Delft Debating Club has joined forces with Delta and Studium Generale to organise monthly […]
Getting acclimatized to a new town and a new university can be challenging. Doing so in a new country can be even more so. If you want to know where to find news, media, theatre and even pub quizzes in English, join us for our first of a series of Living Survival Guides. The Survival Guide […]
Earlier this year, we asked students in Delft about their moral compasses in a survey called the “SG Conscience Survey.” Have you ever faced a difficult moral decision as an engineer? How do you deal with it? How would you preserve your integrity at a future job? Does the university prepare you enough for tough […]
Part 2 Part 3 Reinvent.Money and Studium Generale have teamed up to organise three cutting edge discussions about the Euro, Banks and Central Banks. Welcome 16:00 Word of welcome Coen Vermeeren (TU Delft Studium Generale) and Paul Buitink (founder Reinvent Money) Part I What is the role of banks and central banks in the digital […]
In the wake of Orlando attacks in the US, the discussion about “Heterosexism and Internalized homophobia” lashed out in the media. Several people expressed their opinions (reasonable/senseless) which sparked a curiosity: How do cultures around the world contribute to our understanding of heterosexism and internalized homophobia; what was it like growing up dealing with it […]
… en nog vijf grote ideeën die de wereld kunnen veranderen. Het probleem is niet dat we het niet goed hebben, het probleem is dat we niet weten hoe het beter kan. In deze tijd, met koopkracht als laatste ideaal, schetst historicus Rutger Bregman nieuwe vergezichten. Van een basisinkomen voor iedereen tot een werkweek […]
Is there a place for religious belief in our secular society nowadays? Can we live together in peace despite fundamental differences in faith and world-views? What does religious tolerance imply in an ever-changing society? Recent international events, from the migrant crisis to terrorist attacks, are reshaping how we see religious freedom and tolerance. The Veritas […]
Join TEDxDelft Cinema for an evening of TED videos, a movie, cozy atmosphere, cool hosts, and, of course, popcorn. We’ll have an evening curated by an interesting host who will select some TED films and a movie based around something they are passionate about. Afterwards, we’ll have an open discussion with the audience about the […]
The Islam is, and has been a prominent topic of debate in the western countries for the past 20 years. But despite this, how much do you really know about the Islam that has been dominating the media all these years? Where does it originate? What is its history? How does the Islam relate to […]
Het voorgenomen vrijhandelsverdrag tussen de VS en Europa (TTIP) leidt tot zorgen over het Europese zelfbeschikkingsrecht. Meest omstreden onderdeel van TTIP is ISDS, het ‘investor state dispute settlement’. ISDS geeft bedrijven de mogelijkheid om overheden aan te klagen wanneer die hun investeringen schaden. Dat stelt multinationals in staat om democratisch genomen besluiten en bestaande nationale […]