SG’s Spotting Bullshit lecture series – with livestream AND limited seats!

As we carefully start up live events on campus again, we’d like to invite you to the upcoming ‘Spotting Bullshit’ Series. Since audience size is limited due to corona restrictions, most these will be hybrid events, with a livestream/Zoom session, a recording, and a real life (small) audience!

Bullshit – roughly, the deliberate or accidental spreading of untruths – is all around us. It’s a thing of all ages, but it’s very possible that we are living in THE age of bullshit. Peak bullshit, as it were. Sometimes it is easy to spot, but our brains can be tricked!

In this series of seven interactive lectures, Studium Generale will tackle the issue head on and offer you some tools to spot when we are being manipulated through mental trickery. Join these lectures and inoculate yourself against fake news, logical fallacies and other manipulations, and become a beacon of independent, rational and critical thought!

The Spotting Bullshit lecture series will be held during lunchtime (12:40-13:30) in the main hall in the TU Delft Library, except the lecture on September 29 (20:00) in the Aula Auditorium TU Delft

23 September 2020  | 12.40-13.30  TU Delft Library Central Hall   | When Reasoning Goes Wrong   | Rosa Runhardt
29 September 2020  | 20.00-21.00  TU Delft Aula Auditorium         | Freedom of Choice                     | Joris Luyendijk
10 November 2020   | 12.40-13.30  Livestream only                               | Troll Armies                                    | Jesse Evers
17 November 2020   | 12.40-13.30  Zoom                                                      | Fake News & Fact Checking         | Shannon Bakker
24 November 2020   | 12.40-13.30  TU Delft Library Central Hall  | Social Media Manipulation           | Michael Klenk
15 December 2020   | 12.40-13.30  Zoom                                                      | Deepfakes                                      | Tom van de Weghe

Due to current COVID restrictions, this event has a physical capacity of 20 attendees.
Registration required, just click on the link to the lecture.

Free entrance! Lunch will be provided (during the lunch events)

We are looking forward to welcome you!

Enjoy the Summer break and see you in September!

We will be on our summer break from July 1st till September 1st. But don’t despair! During the summer break you will still find some of our favorite recordings posted on our social media channels for SG’s #TBT – Throwback Thursday.

Good luck with your exams and have a well-deserved break. We wish you happy holidays; let’s make the best of it, stay safe and take care!

We look forward to seeing you again in September!

Team SG
Brigitte, Klaas Pieter, Lester, Sanne, Yannick and Yolanda

CCP Extra | Vanavond: De wetenschap achter meditatie


Wednesday’s post: Experience Holland Festival and Oerol virtually
Tuesday’s post: How Cities Will Change
Monday’s post: A Conversation about Institutional Racism
Klik hier voor de livestream.

CCP Extra | De wetenschap achter meditatie

Minder stress en angst, een positieve impact op het immuunsysteem en een scherpere focus zijn slechts enkele bewezen voordelen van meditatie. En dat met slechts tien minuutjes per dag! Hoe werkt dat?

Vanavond duiken we in de wetenschappelijke feiten achter de effecten van meditatie met topneuroloog Steven Laureys (via livestream) en mediteren we live met docent Maryvonne Verkerke (de Mindfulnessschool).

Studium Generale created a Corona Care Package to make #StayingIn as pleasant as possible. In the following weeks we will share videos, blogs, articles and podcasts within four focus areas: Mental Health, The World After Corona, Arts & Culture and other online events.

Corona Care Package #59 | Why we hate


Wednesday’s post: Why we hate
Tuesday’s post: The Roots of Inequality
Monday’s post: The Corona Conspiracy (SG Eindhoven)

Wednesday 24 June | Why we hate

Society is polarised more and more. Lots of groups stand opposite each other, opinions are black or white. Hatred towards others is known amongst humanity throughout history, and systematic hate comes to the surface now more than ever regarding the Black Lives Matter-protests. Why do we hate? And will this ever stop?

In the much-trumpeted documentary series Why We Hate, the mechanisms behind hate and how it arises and solutions to banish it are discussed. The series is produced by Steven Spielberg and it is broadcast by Human the coming weeks until July 26 (mind you: the first episode was available until June 21). It is in English with Dutch subtitles. Not for the faint of heart. Picture by Johan Bos from

Studium Generale created a Corona Care Package to make #StayingIn as pleasant as possible. In the following weeks we will share videos, blogs, articles and podcasts within four focus areas: Mental Health, The World After Corona, Arts & Culture and other online events.

Corona Care Package #58 | The Roots of Inequality


Tuesday’s post: The Roots of Inequality
Monday’s post: The Corona Conspiracy (SG Eindhoven)

Tuesday 23 June | The Roots of Inequality

Racism, police brutality, and oppression in the US and around the world are being massively protested in spite of – and perhaps in part because of – coronavirus restrictions.

Harvard philosopher and activist Cornel West paints a broad picture of what he sees as the causes of these protests. His interview in Middle East Eye describes America as a failed social experiment: an imperialist, colonial power that tried and failed to create some wiggle room for democracy, social justice, and equality. Both at home and abroad.

What do you think of his analysis? Do you think we’ll see any changes thanks to the protests?

Studium Generale created a Corona Care Package to make #StayingIn as pleasant as possible. In the following weeks we will share videos, blogs, articles and podcasts within four focus areas: Mental Health, The World After Corona, Arts & Culture and other online events.

Corona Care Package #57 | The Corona Conspiracy


Monday’s post: The Corona Conspiracy (SG Eindhoven)

Monday 22 June | The Corona Conspiracy

When the world around is doesn’t make much sense, we start looking for answers. Being stuck at home it is easy to find any answers we are looking for at the click of a button. The truth is out there, but so is a lot of misinformation… As rapidly as the coronavirus spread all over the world, conspiracy theories on the spread of the virus – mainly via social media – followed: the virus was man-made in a laboratory, 5G causes corona and Bill Gates is behind it.

Our colleagues at Studium Generale Eindhoven invited psychologist Dr. Jan-Willem van Prooijen to shed light on this phenomenon by illuminating how various psychological factors including emotions, basic cognitive processes, and intergroup conflict, increase people’s susceptibility to conspiracy beliefs.

Studium Generale created a Corona Care Package to make #StayingIn as pleasant as possible. In the following weeks we will share videos, blogs, articles and podcasts within four focus areas: Mental Health, The World After Corona, Arts & Culture and other online events.

Corona Care Package #56 | Experience Holland Festival and Oerol virtually


Wednesday’s post: Experience Holland Festival and Oerol virtually
Tuesday’s post: How Cities Will Change
Monday’s post: A Conversation about Institutional Racism

Wednesday 17 June | Experience Holland Festival and Oerol virtually

June traditionally is the month in which several big arts and culture festivals kick off the festival season. Two of the leading festivals are international performing arts festival Holland Festival (11-21 June) and arts, science and nature festival Oerol (15-19 June). Because of the corona measures, these too cannot take place in their original form. However, both festivals come up with a programme entirely online in which you can discover, experience, participate and be simply swept away by arts. Do you want to be part of these new online arts communities and experiences? Check out the links below!

Oerol | Imagine Your Island

Friday the 12th of June the warm-up started, from Monday the 15th of June the programme went live for five consecutive days. Together with the creators, an up-to-date programme has been put together that largely takes place virtually. Wherever you are: you will experience the island, as always, through the eyes of the creators, and the island feeling will never be far away! For Oerol you can donate and you’ll receive a fan wristband. This way you support the festival and its performers now and next year.

Holland Festival | Programme 2.0-2.0

Every year this festival presents groundbreaking performances from artists around the world and new developments in the performing arts. Due to corona measures, Holland Festival presents an online programme that reflects the original programme from 11 till 21 June. Together with the international artists who were going to perform this year an online alternative has been developed. Every day between 11 and 21 June you can visit the website for streamings, video’s, podcasts, writings and image material by the artists in question. Here too you can donate to support the festival.

Studium Generale created a Corona Care Package to make #StayingIn as pleasant as possible. In the following weeks we will share videos, blogs, articles and podcasts within four focus areas: Mental Health, The World After Corona, Arts & Culture and other online events.

Corona Care Package #55 | How Cities Will Change


Tuesday’s post: How Cities Will Change
Monday’s post: A Conversation about Institutional Racism

Tuesday 16 June | How Cities Will Change

Cities are profoundly changed by crises. We wouldn’t have our modern sewage systems, paved roads, or waste management in cities without historical confrontations with cholera, typhoid, and the like. How will our cities change over the coming years?

If the 1.5m distance rule remains in effect, urban design is going to have to go through some drastic changes. The shutting down of many stores, cultural centers, even bars and cafes will also have a lasting impact on the look, feel, and experience of our cities. When the city changes, our way of life will follow, and vice versa. William Fulton, director of the Kinder Institute for Urban Research, notes some of the changes that are likely to happen in American cities, while Michael Safi at The Guardian takes a broader look at what’s happening around the world.

Studium Generale created a Corona Care Package to make #StayingIn as pleasant as possible. In the following weeks we will share videos, blogs, articles and podcasts within four focus areas: Mental Health, The World After Corona, Arts & Culture and other online events.

Corona Care Package #54 | A Conversation about Institutional Racism


Monday’s post: A Conversation about Institutional Racism

Monday 15 June | A Conversation about Institutional Racism

Our colleagues at X TU Delft are hosting an online Salon on the topic of institutional racism, Tuesday 16 June at 19:50 hrs on Zoom. In this Salon, we’ll discuss the Black Lives Matter demonstrations worldwide, including the Netherlands, with people protesting against institutional racism and ethnic profiling. You are invited to join the conversation to respectfully share your thoughts and experiences with other students regarding racism.

The murder of an unarmed suspect by a police officer in Minneapolis, US, catalysed ongoing protests of the Black Lives Matter movement worldwide. In the Netherlands, thousands of protesters gathered in cities such as Amsterdam, The Hague, Groningen and Rotterdam as a sign of solidarity with the movement in the United States, and to address institutional racism and ethnic profiling in the EU. Online, on social media platforms such as Instagram, people having been sharing statements and taking part in actions like #blackouttuesday.

Students and employees of the TU Delft are invited to share their thoughts and experiences on the subject. Why are they or aren’t they participating in the (online) protests? And what do they believe are solutions for the existing problems? We invite you to tag along and join the conversation.

The salon will be hosted on Zoom. You don’t need an X subscription to join and you don’t need to enrol. The event will start with a 5-10 minute Q&A held on X’s Instagram in which the event will be announced, starting at 19:50. To join the conversation, just zoom in via

Studium Generale created a Corona Care Package to make #StayingIn as pleasant as possible. In the following weeks we will share videos, blogs, articles and podcasts within four focus areas: Mental Health, The World After Corona, Arts & Culture and other online events.

CCP Extra | Het Filosofisch Café: de wetenschap achter meditatie


CCP Extra: Filosofisch Café | Thursday 25 June
Wednesday’s post: Marjan Olfers on the de-democratisation of sports
Tuesday’s post: The Matrix Economy
Monday’s post: What You Can Do To Fight Racism

CCP Extra | Het Filosofisch Café: de wetenschap achter meditatie

Het lijken twee totaal verschillende werelden, zelfs tegenovergesteld. Terwijl er in de wetenschap gewerkt wordt aan feitelijk bewijs, lijkt meditatie op niets anders gestoeld dan onderbuikgevoelens. Maar er zit harde wetenschap achter de effecten van meditatie. In deze 1,5 Meter Sessie van Het Filosofisch Café duiken we in de bewezen wetenschappelijke effecten van meditatie met topneuroloog Steven Laureys. Via livestream geeft hij een lezing over hoe het werkt, wat het oplevert en hoe je zelf kunt beginnen. Met een live meditatiesessie door Maryvonne Verkerke (de Mindfulnessschool) om het zelf te ervaren!

Er zijn slechts 30 kaarten te koop voor in het theater, maar je kunt deze avond ook volgen via livestream. De link naar de livestream volgt zo snel mogelijk via onze website.

Studium Generale created a Corona Care Package to make #StayingIn as pleasant as possible. In the following weeks we will share videos, blogs, articles and podcasts within four focus areas: Mental Health, The World After Corona, Arts & Culture and other online events.